Thanks for the post. I enjoyed watching it. It’s amazing that it’s still on YouTube! Actually, I found out that there still are quite a few videos like this one on YouTube. Let me share a couple of them I came across recently:



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Yes Tsuyoshi, I was involved with helping Christine and Robin produce that film, I knew Christine pretty well, as did Celia Farber. Gary Null has done a lot of films on the subject, and my friend Joan Shenton was one of the first documentary producers for Meditel and the BBC, ("The AIDS Catch" and "AZT- A Cause for Concern" both produced early on before questioning the HIV=AIDS "science" was blacklisted and censored.

The LA Times actually published an obituary and anthology that was not completely biased and defamatory to Christine, but still clung to the "official story." Most of the lying media tried to paint Christine and Robin up as wackos, as they have with all of us as "AIDS Deniers" which we are not. We are HIV deniers as "the cause of AIDS." These are all tragic stories.


There have been many great films before and after mine, and I think they are all good as part of our combined efforts, and I even promote them. But I don't think that I have received the same support from many of these producers, primarily because my emphasis was more on these dangerous CRIMINALS (Fauci et al) as mass murders guilty of Nuremberg crimes!

Dr. Peter Duesberg even states this in the section about the media and crimes of people like Gallo and Fauci mentioning "Nuremberg." (At about 1:43:00 in the film) To be honest, I took a lot of flack from some of my colleagues about my "harsh accusations" against Fauci and AID$ Inc. Most of these films were more empathetic and less accusing than my approach. Well? I don't think that worked.

I think we can clearly see that now. Rand Paul and Elon Musk are now calling for the prosecution and punishment for Fauci.


Here is the obituary on Christine in the LA Times


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One most disturbing aspect of Fauci’s involvement deals with helping Wuhan literally hide the fact that “GOF” was not novel but rather human sequenced in a lab.

I may not have used the correct terminology, nevertheless Fauci is guilty as the day is long!

Thanks again Steve.


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Yes. you are so correct. These are bio-weapons!

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Exactly Steve. Dr Francis Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Act of 1973 which was signed into law in 1985. It is still in effect today. Early after lockdowns Dr Boyle coined the phrase “Frankenshots” and called covid and the shots a Bioweapon.

He also signed an affidavit stating “Weapons of Mass Destruction” was used against humanity! Literally when I pause and think about this, as should anyone, I get this ominous feeling about what’s still to come.

One thing is clear, mRNA was developed back in the 80’s and literally was shelved. Shelved because of an inflammatory response and uncontrollable targeting capabilities.

One has to wonder why now? Which is what got me on Substack in the first place. I don’t think people truly understand what has happened. Covid was an

“DoD-CIA” lead military operation, with specific goals.

Certainly healthcare wasn’t one of their goals. Neither was stopping a “non-pandemic” pandemic! I’m still drilling for variables. Nevertheless, when our own government literally plans and executes a “Biological-Attack” and the responses I’m still receiving today are statements like

“oh well nothing we can do” etc. it infuriates me.

One last thing I believe is critical which is calling these shots “Bioweapon-Injections” not a “vaccine.” The CDC changed the definition of a vaccine to mislead people into believing they were no big deal. Quite the contrary.

Thank you Steve for acknowledging this. I can’t stress enough that we must call these shots what they are.


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Yes. Sadly we lost Dr. Francis Boyle recently when he passed away, but he did do some interviews recently which shed light on how these criminals bypassed the Bioweapns Act with the "Wuhan lab-leak story" as they pre-planned, and this was even exposed by David Martin.

I have called Sen. Rand Paul's office and asked why Fauci's wife, Christine Grady/Fauci, (who is head of the NIH's "Bioethics Committee") has not been called in to testify before Congress, and I since then, I have never seen her take the stand. But as David Martin has said, there is no question that this entire deadly scam was planned back in 2011.

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Unbelievable Steve, thank you for sharing this. Planned since 2011, although I believe this goes further back to 2008, when the FDA under Obama banned chloroquine.

The article that was published by Fauci’s NIH in the Virology Journal titled “Well Well Well” mentioned how chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS CoV infection and spread. I understand it’s supposedly 78% effective against CoV2, nevertheless this particular treatment was banned IMO primarily because they needed to get the EUA approved.

Anyway, thanks again Steve.


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I kept telling Elon to stop calling the vaccines and call them what they are which are Bioweapons. By calling them Vaccines you are diminishing what they are.

After the 3rd time Elon made a post saying they are not vaccines they are Bioweapons.

He also stated on another day what new conspiracy theories do you have now.

I wrote Tesla funded the printing of DARPAS Hydrogel on the spike protein.

no response for that post.

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We have to stay after it. We are making progress. I got sick to my stomach when I saw Trump standing next to Fauci back when the "COVID" crap started. Trump has never owned up to the damage "Operation Warp Speed" inflicted on millions of people. But he seems to be coming around.

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Of course he wouldn’t respond. People are happy being controlled, sadly. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one fighting for our freedom.

I know where things are going and these “Bioweapons” are part of the plan to destroy human spirit and manipulate human minds. It becomes much easier for the “technocratic / technocrats” to control our every waking moments.

Thank you Jane for sharing this info. Elon rarely replies to anyone so you’ve hit the mark! Well done Jane.


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it was in 1989 that the act was presented to congress.

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Thank you for correcting me. I’ve written about so many times I should have noticed my mistake.

Thank you again Jane.


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Great link, thanks. Was this a progression form Dr. Fancis Boyle's original drafting of the international treaty, which I think was in 1987? Maybe I am wrong, about the dates and procedure here. Just asking.

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Hi Steve! How have you been? Since I don’t have your email address, let me write a personal message here.

Actually I realized it’s hard to write a message to you with my iPhone here. I don’t have a computer. If you send me your email I will send you an email there.

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Thanks, I sent you a note in messages. Check this out: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/archive?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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I noticed you sent me your email address A few minutes ago but I can’t seem to find it I’m not used to Substack. Can you send me an email at my email address instead?

My email address is


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I noticed you sent me your email address just now but I can’t seem to find it. Actually I’m not used to south south sac

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Thank you Steve. I saved your video and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me anytime. I’ll do whatever is necessary to “right this ship” of disaster after disaster.

There’s not much I can do except help in anyway. I appreciate your support. Thanks again Steve.


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You are so welcome AJR. When I first looked into Fauci and Gallo's massive frauds back in 1992, there were a growing group of many scientists (including people like Dr. Kary Mullis and Dr. Walter Gilbert who both won Noble Prizes) already questioning this massive propaganda scam. Of course Dr. Peter Duesberg was on the cutting edge of cancer research, (and is credited for discovering oncogenes) as the entire "virus cancer" research program collapsed. Attacking Duesberg the way they did over "HIV" was really a distraction from advancing honest research in cancer.

I like to tell people that I am not a "brilliant biological scientist," but I can easily see the massive corruption going on here, and so they should be able to as well, and so I hoped they would see this with this documentary. This is not about "science," this is criminal murder! We were blacklisted and banned everywhere when this documentary came out.

But even I never expected Fauci's crimes and murders to progress this far after all this time! It's shocking. One of my good friends in the battle is Celia Farber, who AID$ Inc. really attacked, but she has hung in there all this time and helped RFK Jr. write his book,"The Real Anthony Fauci"

So you are welcome to be a part of our endeavors. How did you get interested and involved with these issues?

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You’re absolutely correct Steve, “Criminal Murder” is without a doubt exactly what has happened!

I’ve been calling this “DoD-OWS-Attack” premeditated murder simply because there’s been “55 undeclared chemicals” plus SV40, etc.

I reposted one article from

The Defender stating such. There’s no doubt what was done to humanity and I believe more reasons will come out.

Thanks Steve for sharing your insights.


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You are welcome AJR. We are kind of in the "same boat." here. There have been a lot of us fighting this murdering medical-industrial complex for well over 50 years now. I only got involved back in 1992, when the HIV debate issue really started to emerge. But as you can see, Dr. Peter Duesberg and others, including Dave Rasnick and Kary Mullis, have been on the cutting edge of cancer research, and then blocked by Fauci and his ilk, all this time as well.

Label me as a naive and hopeful dreamer, but I think having RFK Jr as head of HHS might be a turning point, though I don't have over-optimistic expectations. At least its a start. Dr. Dave Rasnick worked with Peter Duesberg and Kary Mullis quite a bit and is still at it. Here is his website. www.DavidRasnick.com Thanks for your attention and awareness!

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You’re welcome Steve. I’m attaching a reply I received earlier today from a Substack person named “Elroy.” From his reply it seems there’s plenty of going on’s occurring at the federal level. For reasons of “societal-collapse” there isn’t any fanfare. You can interpret for yourself. Very interesting.


Elroy Replied:

Thank you for the additional information, AJR! It’s wonderful to know there are others out there (like you) who have done the deep dive and learned what’s happening around us. I’ve found many people just don’t want to know… they take a ‘head in the sand’ approach, and that just leads our collective demise.

There is so much more I’m sure we both could share, but your note about concern around lack of accountability resonated with me. Rest assured there is MASSIVE accountability coming, but it has to be dosed out slowly or it’ll collapse society. Seriously. It’s that bad. Society has to be eased into it or too much at once will collapse trust and enrage the masses. Bad things will come of it.

How do I know this? Because I work at a company that is one of the tentacles of the corruption in the world. It’s a big, world-famous consumer goods company. It imposed a psychotic Covid mandate that was completely illegal, and it’s being sued on multiple accounts for it. The plaintiffs are my colleagues, and the law firm handling it is out of the Health Freedom Defense Fund. The head of that agency is Leslie Manookian; she had been on many podcasts talking about the progression of the lawsuits and how they knew they were going to win… and then everything and everyone around the lawsuits went “dark”… silent.

The lawsuits stopped and all involved disappeared from view. When I dug to find out what happened, no coworker will speak, but a retired corporate lawyer friend of mine said, “there is only one entity that can stop multiple civil lawsuits in their track and impose a media gag order… and that’s a federal investigation”. If the civil lawsuits impede or infringe on a federal investigation, they can be paused and muted… and that’s exactly what happened. My company is a part of taking government funding. My company has several NGO “foundations” and partnerships. My company is knee-deep in what DOGE is investigating.

Add to that the 430,000+ sealed indictments built up at the DOJ over the past six years, and one can see something MASSIVE is coming in the form of accountability and prosecution.

The civil lawsuits were paused so they don’t disrupt the larger effort in play.

Yes, accountability is coming, and it’s going to be biblical! …and it’s going to be final for many, many people.

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AJR, Interesting comments, and I think they are legit, in terms of what is going on with this "mega-corporation." But sometimes when things seem to be moving behind closed doors, it reminds me of that film "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when they tell Indy Jones, "Top, TOP people are working on this" and then you see the Ark being stored away in a huge warehouse among thousands of other "top secret" crates. But I have hope that DOGE will force this out in the open, so let's be optimistic!

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Yes your analysis is correct. In an overly optimistic way, after I reread Elroy’s reply, I realized, 1. It’s been better than 3 years since the Covid-Fraud began and 2. Nothing or nobody should ever get in the way of a President explaining the truth to “We the People!”

Nothing or Nobody! When I put myself in someone else’s position, I consistently get the same answer. Tell the truth!

Granted, there’s overwhelming powers behind the truth and allowing the truth to see through light of day. Be that as it may, obviously these people / powers can and do influence a Presidents decision and this is most likely the case. If in fact President Trump knew what “OWS” truly meant and he went along with it, then he’s as guilty as the bunch of them! If not more so, because he authorized OWS!

It’s one thing to come up with a plan it’s another to execute that plan. There isn’t much of anything any of us can do. My gut instincts say, they’re going to pigeonhole this for 60 plus years if not forever. Nobody wants responsibility for millions of deaths on their hands.

Thanks Steve. I appreciate your response.


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Yep. It seems to be going that way. They (these law firms and negotiators) seem to be sanitizing the allegations and evidence. We have seen so much of this, where they tell us (the little people) that they will take care of it, yet they either delay or neglect the resolve.

I remain hopeful, and yes, Trump needs to get real about OWS. I do a radio show on Republicbroadcasting.org and back in late 2015-June, 2016, as Trump was getting delegates for the nomination, my co-host and I STRESSED on at least 7 occasions that Trump needed to get RID of Fauci, DAY ONE if he was elected. Who is Fauci they would ask? 90% of the audience didn't know who Fauci was then, and they were pretty well-informed people. I was silent and feeling sick to my stomach when I saw Fauci standing on stage with Trump, as all this and OWS started. Trump owes us both and explanation and apology. But I think putting RFK in, after his book exposing Fauci came out was a start. We need far more though.

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I agree with you Steve 100%. But and I say this with “optimistic caution.” Here’s why I’m saying this. I posted the entire article on my Substack Homepage. It’s quite clear that Washington is all about “The Art of the Deal.”

I’ll continue playing the “Devils Advocate” simply because it’s the only way to uncover, as much of the truth, as possible. Case in point below.

Thanks Steve for your input.



by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

“Pro-Vaccine Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Cuts Deal to Keep Establishment View on Vaccines in order to Become the new Secretary of Health and Human Services”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was sworn in as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services this week, after reportedly making concessions and cutting a deal with the man who stood in his way and could have prevented his Senate approval, Senator Bill Cassidy, the pediatrician and medical doctor from Louisiana, and chairman of the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Senate Subcommittee. Kennedy needed Cassidy's approval to make it out of the HELP Senate Committee and come before the full Senate to be approved. Cassidy made it clear that he did not approve of Kennedy's past positions on vaccines, and went public after he voted to approve Kennedy and send him to the Senate floor for a full vote, to announce that he had secured several concessions from Kennedy and Trump before approving him. Among those concessions was to keep the CDC child immunization schedule in tact, keep the FDA drug and vaccine approval process in tact, and agree to NOT replace anything on the CDC website that claims vaccines do not cause autism. Senator Cassidy also stated publicly that he will have "an unprecedentedly close relationship" with Kennedy, and that Kennedy would consult with him "multiple times a month" and also consult with him on any appointments Kennedy would make, making one wonder if Senator Cassidy would actually be the one running the Department of Health and Human Services instead of Kennedy.

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