40 Years of Fauci's HIV/AID$ Fraud Continues as He LIES to Congress and Creates MORE COVID Virus Scares, Pushing Toxic Treatments and International Terror. This Film Documents His Crimes.
HIV=AIDS- Fact or Fraud? The History of Fraud and terror. Now 20 Million have died recently from the useless and world-wide COVID Jabs. When will this end?
ABC News almost stopped these Lies in 1993. But Fauci’s virus scare tactics go back to 1983-84, when he and Robert Gallo “misappropriated” (stole) the lab samples of what they call HIV from the French to create the multi-billion dollar HIV/AIDS program. Watch the Film Here HIV=AIDS - Fact or Fraud
If you Fast Forward to 1:41:00 where the media manipulation is exposed, you can hear Dr. Peter Duesberg suggest that NUREMBERG TRIALS should commence:
Over 300,000 US AIDS patients died a slow and painful death by being poisoned with AZT, which causes “AIDS by Prescription” Now many scientists claim that over 20 MILLION have died worldwide for the Toxic and useless COVID “vaccine” Jabs. Watch this report on 20 million deaths here:
How many more people will die under Fauci’s mistreatment and LIES? Rand Paul takes on Fauci in Congress in an all out war.
LINK HERE : The Battle in Congress is raging.
HIV-AIDS -Fact or Fraud Documentary

Thanks for the post. I enjoyed watching it. It’s amazing that it’s still on YouTube! Actually, I found out that there still are quite a few videos like this one on YouTube. Let me share a couple of them I came across recently:
Thank you Steve. I saved your video and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me anytime. I’ll do whatever is necessary to “right this ship” of disaster after disaster.
There’s not much I can do except help in anyway. I appreciate your support. Thanks again Steve.