Is this an inappropriate time to send happy New Year's wishes to you and all?

They've been messing with us forever, but at least more people see it now, such as wrt the coming Catastrophic Contagion which reduces to CC and 33, signaling the not-so-secret bricklayer society running/ ruining the world as mid-level managers and minions and whose supposed top tier is 33 degrees in service to higher-up low-down megalomaniac creeps.

Come to think of it, child-friendly bricklayer Walt Disney had a 33 Club, and he also was good friends with NASA's first Director (Nazi?) von Braun post WWII. Over the many years and to this day, Jesuit organizations and intel agencies have shared overlapping agendas of deception, distraction, disruption, and destruction with the bricklayers.

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Yes. It's hardly a "Happy New Year" and the worst one I can remember. I would like to be optimistic, and think everything will be rosy when Trump takes office, but I won;t get my hopes up too high. I think there will be some positive changes. Even if there is just a symbolic gesture of change, it will be a relief.

It is going to be interesting to see how well RFK Jr, handles the jab freaks and their agenda. (providing that he is "approved"). Trump has never been good at what his oath requires, which is to uphold the law against the "brick laying" war mongers or poison producing Jesuits.

But pressure is building on the massive child theft network and that might be the beginning of some ugly stones that need to be overturned. It won't all be changed too fast.

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Btw, is that really Alex Jones in the contagion video? The speaker has the voice and mannerisms of AJ, but the head and face are a bit different, and not because of the beard. To me, at least. But, I do believe due to disease, death or disfavor, people in the limelight are sometimes switched out when deemed necessary by their handlers and their avatar identities continued until no longer required.

Oh dear, too much?

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Alex has been on a diet and does look much better. He has lost some weight and his complexion might have improved if he is not wearing makeup. (which even I did when I was news anchor years ago, we all had too in those days)

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I missed the fact you were a news anchor, and likely more than just a pretty face at that because you think!

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I wasn't a pretty face, but I could read on air had some broadcasting experience, so I was at a small ABC station in Idaho, but as it turned out the news director was a strong Democrat and I decided to leave after a few months. Then I worked as a engineer at a larger CBS station in Denver. It was all behind the scenes, but there was a young fellow starting his career there who I often had some chat time with in the early mornings. His name was, and still is Harry Smith, who went all the way to the top at CBS News. I liked Harry, at least the little I knew of him. But I can gladly say that I am not sorry that I left the mainstream media. (For Obvious reasons)

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Steve, I may have missed a post here about this, but will ask, anyway.

Have you noticed the recent off-handed remarks/ humor, or, perhaps, trial balloons regarding the annexation of Canada and Mexico? Could be we'll have the North American Union by 2030, since there's plenty of time to have serial engineered calamities between now and then to facially warrant (of course not really) the need for unified continental military, economic, and health "security."

We/ they are also talking about taking back the Panama Canal and buying Greenland from Denmark. The new globalist empire, likely to be led by China, with the Americas and Euro-Russo countervailing entities, will need new lines drawn within regions for less old order identity, culture and patriotism and for more indifferent bureaucratic governance. The NAU will be part of Oceania along with Greenland, South America, and the UK, the latter two of which have been kept fairly destabilized-- for many years in SA and in recent years for England. At the time of the Brexit "vote," it really seemed it'd be a shoe-in to pass, no matter the actual vote if it was even tallied, because Orwell told us the UK would become Airstrip 1 under Oceania in the new world order.

It really does seem history doesn't simply happen or spontaneously occur, especially, as we're taught, according to trend, conflict, technology, or great individuals. Leaders and all of those factors, instead, appear to be designated and scripted many years in advance. Almost a century ago, Huxley had a thing or two to say about these times which appear to be careening toward a dystopian and hedonistic global surveillance state. It wouldn't be far-fetched to wonder whether Soma will be mixed into the injections of the upcoming quack-demic.

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Miss Parker,

Yes, I did suspiciously ponder Trump's suggestions of the convergence of both Canada and Mexico with the US as the "shades of the ominous NAU," which we all thought was a vanishing pipe dream and "never to be." Why now, would we need this?

I remember doing show on RBN with a grand old attorney named Fred Grant, who stopped the NAU super highway years ago, by tying the project up with environmental laws and issues. Americans would have to pay to cross over the international right of way and easements many miles wide in some cases.

That superhighway would have been controlled international territory, right through the middle of the nation, and essentially making us prisoners to international police.

Odd that Trump would attempt to revive that old scheme now isn't it?

I have always thought that a merger between the US and Canada might happen, but questioned if the culture and language barriers between the US and Mexico would meld.

It does seem over the top to suggest this merger now, as we can't even control the USA anymore due to these globalist's interventions.

I think the Soma hypnotic control is already operating in many ways though the media and being enhanced by the jabs and EMF frequency. Yes, I think it is very Orwellian.

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Just as I finished the above question/ comment, someone posted a lengthier essay re the upcoming New World Order which includes a map that Elon Musk's grand-dad mocked up in the 30s of the Technate of America. Only the northern part of SA seems to be included, but my best guess is that the entirety of the western hemisphere will be eventually "unified", along with the UK:


She calls it the Trump Technate of America. We have MAGA, MAHA, and now we may be headed for what I call MAWA, or Make America Whole Again, like a meta-modern Pacman on an imperial march through India Nova.

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