Whether it is a mRNA bioweapon or nanoparticle technology . . . something is causing catastrophic death and injury. And soon the WHO may force this shit on every human on planet Earth. Rise up.

Please share widely. As early as May 31, 2024, Biden could sign away our national sovereignty to the WHO. This essay makes clear that is exactly what he will do. And the scary part is that Biden could unilaterally make the WHO Plandemic Treaty US law without any support from the House or Senate. If this happens there must be a peaceful 2nd American Revolution in order to reclain our rights under the Bill of Rights. This is a bridge too far.

Biden likely to sign away national and individual sovereignty by signing WHO Pandemic Treaty

Biden can implement WHO Pandemic Treaty without Senate approval on May 31st, 2024


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Thanks. Very good points, and I believe you are correct that Biden and the cowardly Senate will find a way to "let this pass" without any debate or majority vote. I will pass your links on,

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Steve Stars

Lord have mercy! There's all kinds of things in that jab that don't belong in our human bodies! The first thing I noticed when they rolled it out was the aborted fetal cells! I've watched several interviews with people talking about this nanotechnology junk in the jabs, what it is and what it's gonna do! It's metals and machine parts! It's changing people's DNA and the human body sees these ingredients as foreign invaders causing the immune system to go on a full scale attack! People's bodies are basically attacking itself! This explains a lot of side effects and autoimmune stuff going on not to mention that whatever else is in these jabs is gonna react to 5G and 6G! This is why these psychopaths are pushing 5G then next 6G! I'm pure blooded and so is my husband! We didn't take it! His company left it voluntarily and many of his coworkers took it and today they are having problems! This is scary and how many more people are gonna die from this over the next few years when their DNA becomes completely unrecognizable in their own body? I'm amazed and saddened at how many people are ignorant about our immune system and what it can actually do! I learned in detail when I was in college about DNA, our immune system and how it functions. I lacked one semester and almost finished nursing school! If I had finished that one semester I could have gotten my LPN license but I decided to switch my major and went into physical therapy instead and I worked in that field for a long time! I basically learned how rigged our health care system is while working in it. It looks to me like high-school kids would be taught about the human immune system in high-school! I was taught the basics in high school, enough to understand how it functions. It's obviously not taught anymore considering how many people didn't question this jab and learn what's in it.

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Right on, I completely agree! I am so glad you had the discernment and conviction to NOT take the worthless and dangerous experimental Jab. We are only now beginning to have irrefutable FACTS that prove our points. And being an "I told you so" about all of this does not make me happy! I am angry at the maniacs and sad for the people they afflicted.

We can see from this video that there are many analysts who can NOT find Phosphorus and Nitrogen in the solutions. NO biological traces at all in many of these vials!

That doesn't mean that they aren't using bio-weapons at all, because from the beginning of this mass-murder, I have advocated there are as many as 2,000 different experiments going on. We have NO IDEA of all the evil these people are up to, The public is completely in the dark, and many of these doctors probably are too, in these massive double-blinded experiments. We know different batches had different reactions in different populations.

But the connections to 5G and 6G bio-tracking and manipulation are a nightmare as evil as any Science Fiction film.

Thanks for the comment Amii. Glad you and your husband stayed safe.

Our fight goes on to free our fellow humans in this robotic world of fatal insanity!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Steve Stars

Thank you Steve! I told as many people as I could not to take this jab! Some acted like I was asking them to worship Satan! Now people like us who are against it are hearing "crickets" from all of the supporters who took it. Many of these people have died or they are too busy dealing with irreversible side effects! So yeah, all I can say to these people is "I told you so!" That doesn't make me feel good either! I just think that I don't actually say that to anybody who took it! I agree there's all kinds of things going that these devils are doing to poison us and kill us from our food, water and the air that we breathe. I think some people may just have gotten a saline shot and not the real thing. Well in other news we have one less devil walking on this planet today to bother us! Henry Kissenger died!

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Author

Well. I want to THANK YOU. Amii, for your comments and encouragement. I appreciate your views and feedback tremendously!

I don't know if I mentioned my documentary on the HIV/AID$ fraud, (pardon me if I did, because I have talked about this so much over 32 years, that I often don't bring it up for fear of being redundant) but if you haven't seen it and are interested, you can watch this for free here at this site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTxvmKHYajQ&t=23s

The film was blocked by virtually every distribution outlet back in 1992-96. but eventually went viral on the internet and got millions of views Many of the huge sites up there were taken down, but this is one that survived---without comments allowed.

This is a long film, but explains why HIV was a fraud, what the REAL causes of AIDS are, and why dangerous drugs like AZT causes AIDS by Prescription. This is worth watching if you want to see how all of the COVID-19 scam progressed. Fauci poisoned at least 300,000 AIDS patients with AZT.

You won't see Fauci at the 1984 press conference where Gallo started this Fraud with HHS, but he was very much BEHIND the SCENES back then. Fauci does appear later in the ABC News "Day 1" show (1993) at about 1:40:00 when we talk about the lying media. (Fast forward if you want to see just that). This is where Dr. Peter Duesberg says they should be tried under Nuremberg codes. Celia Farber is also in the film along with other great Doctors and Microbiological researchers. Fauci even pressured ABC News when they dared to expose this murdering fraud.

Anyway, I thought you might like to see this, since you have a heart for patients and helping people. Even though I am a straight married/conservative guy, I became a "hero" to many of these gay men who KNEW they were being murdered and HIV/AID$ was the killer. We were allies in this fight and Still are!

I have known four (4) younger women and mothers, all very intelligent and beautiful, mothers with children, who I think were murdered by AID$ Inc. (one little girl is in the film).

So you see how long we have been fighting these dangerous Mass-Murderers!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Steve Stars

Thank you Steve for your kind words!🙂 And no I didn't know about your documentary so thank you for sharing that link! I'm going to go watch it right now because I want to know the whole story behind that. I only learned who fauci was and that he was behind creating AIDS when the convid plandemic rolled out in 2020😯 AIDS started around 1980 right? I was just 15 years old and in junior high school then. I remember hearing all kinds of things about AIDS like from how it got started in Africa from African men having sex with monkeys!😲 My mother believed that story! My mother always said that this AIDS thing was a curse put on the earth from God because of the way people are living! She always said that the gay men are suffering because of how they are living, men having sex with each other is wrong and a sin in God's eyes and He is punishing them! AIDS started spreading to regular people too and that was scary to me! At 15 years old that was quite a bit for me to wrap my head around! I remember people being scared and not wanting to date! People were scared to drink from a cup that a friend wanted to share! Scared to drink from the same cup. People said that you could catch AIDS from sitting on a public toilet seat! I remember all these things! People started avoiding each other such as holding hands or kissing, a peck on the cheek and especially a peck on the lips! People avoided touching each other at all! It was scary in hearing that people were dying from AIDS every day! People didn't have the internet and computers back then so people basically stayed in the dark and that's how all the rumors about catching AIDS got started! The government finally had to tell the truth about how AIDS gets spread! Through unprotected sex but casual contact wouldn't spread AIDS like holding hands or drinking out of a cup behind a friend. That definitely was a strange time to live through, especially for young people! Yeah for me going back in time and thinking about how life was during the AIDS epidemic I see everything clearly and how it's all connected! It's no telling how many people that Fauci has murdered from the 1980s and up to this present day! The one thing that really made my blood boil about Fauci was that cruel experiment that he did to all those beagle dogs with sand flies 😡 it truly takes a cold hearted monster to do something like that! That man is a monster, he has so much blood on his hands. I can't wait for his judgment day to come.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Author

Wow, thanks for the comments. I think you will see a LOT of things in this film that expose the horrible LIES the public was deceived by with HIV . Even from the beginning, there was never a peer-review of Gallo and Fauci's outrageous claim about "HIV." It was all about FUNDING these maniacs and a program. All Scare tactics!

The German Doctor is Dr. Peter Duesberg, who was nominated for a Nobel Prize and discovered oncogenes. Even Gallo called him (at one time) "the man who knows more about retroviruses than anyone alive." But Peter refused to LIE and challenged the HIV hype. Gallo hates Duesberg now, who exposed him.

Peter Duesberg was on the verge of a breakthrough in science in Cancer research, but lost all his grants and support because he exposed HIV as a fraud. So the REAL plague of Cancer goes on and the virus hunters continue to perpetuate scams.

Peter Duesberg points out the the original analysis by the CDC (Back when they were doing honest reporting) was that "AIDS" was NOT an infectious disease, but locked in risk groups of IV drug addicts and fast-track gay men (using massive drugs) in the bathhouse lifestyle. They completely ignored over 100 years of medical history about IV drug use and immune suppression---to sell a "virus" as the cause. Then gave these same HIV + people AZT that causes "AIDS by Prescription" and is a DNA chain terminator.

Even the concept of heterosexual transmission of "HIV" was a huge lie! (Created by Robert Redfield, recently Fauci's CDC director with Covid)

In the film you will see Dr. Walter Dowdle, who was even recently given a "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the CDC (oddly enough) who BLASTED the lying concept of HIV transmission via sex in the Wall Street Journal. He said the odds of transmission via hetero sex (unprotected) were about 1 out of 1,000. ("Like being hit by Lightning") Dr. Dowdle refused to lie.

There was a test conducted by Dr. Nancy Padian, who followed about 174 couples for over 6 years, where one partner was HIV+ and the other HIV-. Some of the couples practiced "safe sex" and others did not. After 6 years not ONE case of HIV transmission occurred in these couples. ZERO!

Now keep in mind the "HIV testing" for antibodies, Western Blot and PCR are just as misleading, horrible and FALSE and testing for SARS CoV-2 and COVID are now.

See where all this went way off? Fauci has been doing this for 40 years now!

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Steve Stars

Great documentary Steve! I had no idea that AZT caused AIDS! Prescription drugs are poison anyway! Is that German doctor still alive? Did they threaten him for exposing them? My take on the AIDS epidemic was that Fauci was doing this as a test just to see if he could create a virus back then to start depopulation! Fauci more than likely started planning Covid back then and building on the knowledge of what AIDS did. People died from AIDS but not enough according to Fauci! Some people think that Covid doesn't exist! I don't know how they can think that because many people died in the hospital hooked up to ventilators. I've told these people well something exists and something (a man-made pathogen)got released out of that lab in Wuhan that affects people's lungs! I don't know how many people have actually died from the illness Covid to this date! They've lied about the deaths! But those people who died from the Covid illness had a compromised immune system anyway, were frail and elderly or had another illness going on when they got Covid! So this was enough to scare people into taking the jab, healthy people with a healthy immune system! My husband got sick with something back when Covid got started but he usually caught a bad cold in the late fall sometimes, anyway he started running a fever and went to the doctor and got told that he had Covid. We both think that he got told BS and that he just had the seasonal flu! He had to stay out of work for 2weeks and he tested negative after that but he got over that bad cold or flu. I also started feeling run down while my husband was out sick! I only had a fever of 99° and a cough for 3 days and I got over it! I just think that they took the cold virus or seasonal flu virus to that Wuhan lab and made it more potent so it would be fatal and people would die then they could come to the rescue with the vaxx knowing that people would be stupid enough to fall for it and also force people to take it! I told my husband "you are not taking that poison and if your company forces it on you, you walk the "f" out and quit!" He said that he wasn't going to take it either and he would quit! He's old enough to retire anyway but he wants to continue to work for a little bit longer! Ain't it funny how the seasonal flu just disappeared once Covid rolled out! 😆 I guess they figured that people would be too stupid to notice that? Maybe a lot were but that's the first thing I noticed! My husband felt the same way too! But people lined for the jab anyway and the flu shot too! Fauci is a monster and I want to see him burn in hell!

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